How the UK has lost its sovereignty

We hear a lot of fuss about the EU as a mighty threat to UK independence, but consider the following:

The nub of the matter

The UK now has a seriously unbalanced economy, more and more dependent upon foreign-owned banking and financial services industries that owe little loyalty to Britain. This dependence is compounded by encouraging the use of the UK financial markets as a 'flag of convenience' base for companies from countries, many of whose ethical and governance standards are dubious. London has become a sort of walled enclave for dubious fiscal practises, slightly funny money and some very funny people who threaten to skip to some other tax haven at the mere thought of making a legitimate contribution to the country whose facilities they enjoy.
So long as the UK is so dependent on consumer borrowing, housing and finance and so weak in science, technology and advanced manufacturing industries, so will the country be prey to bullying from industries that are akin to cuckoos in the nest.
Those who love Britain should recognise that Europe, with often superior business practises, more balanced economies, healthier attitudes to inequality and wholesome societies with good education, health and social inclusion is a far better prospect that the alternatives of dependence on foreign financiers or the United States.

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